1. Clean lashes
The most important point!
The morning of your appointment clean your lash extensions thoroughly
if it is for a fill.
This will get rid of any oils, mascara, dust and makeup in the lashes to ensure the new lashes i infill adhere securely to the natural lash.
If it is for a full, new set, try to arrive at the appointment with clean, makeup free lashes. This will reduce the time for cleaning and give me more time for lashing.
2. Be on time
Please arrive at the agreed time of appointment, not earlier or later. if you are early there is a big chance i will still be busy with the previous client.
If you are late, that time will be taken off the total appointment time.
Please be aware i am often back to back with the correct amount of time allocated to each appointment.
3. Talking during appointment
When you talk, this moves your face and cheeks which moves the eye pads.
Eye pads that have shifted during treatment can cause top lashes to stick to bottom lashes.
Please keep talking to a minimum to ensure the lashes are applied properly and safely.
4. No chewing gum
Chewing moves your temples and cheeks which in turn moves my hands and will hinder my work.
Lashing is such a delicate art, act dead!
5. Cellphones to sleep
While in treatment, avoid looking at your phone, unless it is an emergency i can tell you who is calling.
Put your phone on silent and relax.
6. No caffeine
Coffee can cause a trigger which makes your eyes flutter. This can cause watering eyes, shift of eye pads and a struggle for me to work.
Avoid caffeine for 3 hours before treatment.